01458 224593
Post office at Keinton Mandeville Stores
There will be a lighter format post office at Keinton Stores from 13.01.2025
For further information please click on the link below
Parish Council Magazine
Parish Council magazine Edition 1 and 2 attached.
If you would like to subcribe to receive via email please email the clerk. kmpcclerk@gmail.com
Planning Application 19/02211/OUT for 9 dwellings on Queen Street - approved with conditions
Planning permission for Residential Development of 9 dwellings on Queen Street has been approved with conditions by Somerset Council.
To review the conditions please access Somerset Council website under planning.
The parish council objected to this application when initially submitted. Since then it has been discussed at meeting 03.10.2023 and a Vote of No Confidence to Chief Planning Officer was submitted.
Planning application Cottons Orchard for five dwellings
24/00983/FUL Planning application notified to Keinton Mandeville Parish Council 27.06.2024
To build 5 dwellings at Cottons Orchard in Castle Street.
See planning details in attachment
This will be discussed at the next parish council meeting on Tuesday 02.07.2024
Traffic Report Survey - Have Your Say
The Traffic Survey Report and recommendations was presented at the Keinton Mandeville Annual Parish Meeting on 10 May and the opportunity to make comments on the report remains open. The survey is attached.
The report is available on this website and also in the shop.
Keinton Mandeville Annual Parish Meeting 2024
Reports submitted from local organisations
Keinton Mandeville Traffic Study Report and Recommendations February 2024
This is the final report from the Traffic Study commissioned by the Keinton Mandeville Parish Council. There will be a public consultation on how to take these recommendations forward.
Keinton Mandeville Traffic Survey Report
Keinton Mandeville commissioned an independent company to complete a survey traffic in the community in the hope that some recommendations can be considered to try and ease the current traffic concerns that members of the community have raised with the parish council. The parish council shared the community safety concerns around traffic issues in Keinton Mandeville.
The survey has now become even more important with the current planning applications on Queen Street for a significant number of houses to be developed.
£5,000 grants to help rural businesses bounce back
Press Release - £5,000 grants to help rural businesses bounce back
£5,000 grants to help rural businesses bounce back |
Grants of up to £5,000 are now available to help businesses in rural parts of Somerset bounce back after the coronavirus pandemic. The Rural Services Grant Fund is part of a £6m package of funding from Somerset County Council which aims to kickstart the county’s economy. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on many rural communities in Somerset. The £5,000 grants (up to 80% of project costs) are now available to assist service businesses in rural areas to help them move forward and become more sustainable. A business will need to provide 20% of their own match funding. Cllr David Hall, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet Member for the Economy, Planning and Community Infrastructure, said: “This has been a really tough 18 months for our rural businesses and we’re committed to helping them get back on track. “This grant is for items that will help a business provide further services or enhance their trading – so to provide an online sales platform or an increased trading space. It’s a great opportunity and I would encourage eligible businesses to step forward and ensure they don’t miss out.” The application process is open to:
The fund launches today (26 August 2021) and will close at 5pm on 10 September 2021. Initial applications will be treated on a first come, first served basis but we will need time to check eligibility and respond. To apply you will need to complete an Expression of Interest form which can be found at Somerset Recovery Fund – click on Rural Renaissance Rural Services Grant. Once your Expression of Interest has been reviewed, if the work is eligible and appropriate, you will be invited to submit a Full Application. This will then require three quotes, further details of the aims/objectives and trading accounts to enable us to assess the project fully.
If you require further information please email your query to RRGrants@somerset.gov.uk. The scheme is part of theSomerset Recovery Fund – a wider £6m package of funding from Somerset County Council to kickstart Somerset’s economy in the wake of Covid-19.This fund will include financial support for businesses, financial support for individuals and a range of other measures to stimulate the economy and boost the county as it recovers from coronavirus.
Somerset Waste Partnership Website
Click on the link for all the latest recycling information and news
Somerset Rivers Authority Report
Dear councillors and residents
I am writing as Chair of Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA) to let you know that the SRA’s Annual Report for 2020-21 has just been published. It concentrates on the SRA’s many achievements over the past 12 months and also covers progress on some bigger themes and projects since the devastating floods of 2013-14.
Hundreds of places across Somerset have benefited from extra flood protection and resilience works funded by the SRA. In 2020-21, the SRA spent £3.344 million on actions designed to protect people, properties, businesses and roads, while enhancing local environments, in accordance with the objectives of Somerset’s 20 Year Flood Action Plan.
Everyone in Somerset is affected directly or indirectly by issues with flooding, so the SRA invests in a wide range of actions countywide to reduce flood risks and increase local resilience when floods do occur.
I have attached two copies of the Annual Report. The longer version gives a large amount of detail about SRA activities and is helpful for exploring what has been done at a very local level, right down to single fields, ponds, ditches and culverts. It includes around 80 photographs plus other illustrations. The shorter version is more selective, but still very informative and visual.
You can also read the entire text, split up into accessible sections, on the SRA’s website. Start at Somerset Rivers Authority Annual Report 2020-21 - Somerset Rivers Authority
I hope very much that you will enjoy reading the SRA Annual Report 2020-21, whichever version you choose.
If you have any comments or questions, or would like to know more, please contact Somerset Rivers Authority onsra@somerset.gov.uk or call 01823-355111.
Garden Waste Collections Suspended from 2 August
Somerset Waste Partnership have informed us they will be suspending garden waste collections from 2 August. Please see below link to their website for further information:
Neighbourhood Planning
Your Parish Council has agreed to explore the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish and would be interested to hear from anyone in the village who may be able to assist with this complex but important project.
The Neighbourhood Plan will become the third tier of planning policy in the parish, the others being the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the South Somerset Local Plan. These two provide the framework of planning policy for the village, the Keinton Mandeville Neighbourhood Plan will provide the fine detail. As such, the Neighbourhood Plan adapts policy so that it meets the particular needs and character of our village.
How you can help. The most important feature of the Neighbourhood Plan is consultation with residents, employers and businesses in, and around, our village. Your support in providing feedback and making your views known will be invaluable. More specifically, we are keen to identify anyone with experience in areas such as planning, housing, employment, transport, history and built heritage, natural environment, hydrology and water management, communications…. And anyone with the organisational, administrative and management skills to gather and transform the evidence base into a coherent plan.
If you think any of this could be you and you would like more information, please contact Neil Bain at neil.bain@po4management.co.uk / 07710 730928.
Vaccination Transport
Some useful information from Somerset County Council on vaccination transport for those who don’t drive Somerset’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.
Garage Break In
A garage has been broken into between the 19th and the 21st January in Coombe Hill, Keinton Mandevile. The offender/s forced entry via the main garage door.
Any information please contact the Police on 101 quoting Ref number: 5221014582 stating NHW Release or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111. Thank you for your support.
Solar Streets
Do you want to save on your Electric Bill, halt Climate Change and help to build a Community Fund?
Brue Valley Solar Streets is a discounted Solar PV Scheme supported by your Parish Council. It is designed to bring affordable solar panels to your community, so you can help halt climate change and become carbon neutral by 2030. It also helps to build a Community Fund to be used for green projects.
Solar Streets started out in Frome in 2018 when the Council declared a Climate Emergency. IDDEA, a local company, came up with a community scheme where people could save money on Solar Panels by grouping together for the surveys and installations.
Since then the scheme has grown to over 7 current schemes and your neighbours in Bruton & Castle Cary, Wells, and Glastonbury all have schemes, with new ones coming on board in January to March.
For more information go to www.SolarStreets.co.uk/Brue-Valley
**** update 1/2/2021 a zoom session has taken place to discuss this initiative - if anyone is
interested in having the solar PV but missed the session, it was recorded and
is on the website at www.solarstreets.co.uk/Brue-Valley.
Business Support Grants Available in South Somerset
COVID-19: Funding support available for business through lockdown
Funding support is available to businesses in South Somerset due to the national lockdown restrictions that came into effect from Thursday 5th November.
South Somerset District Council are administering two schemes:
Local Restriction Support Grant
Eligible businesses are now able to apply for a business support grant under the Local Restriction Support Grant scheme. Grants are available of up to £3,000 and this will cover the 28 day national lockdown period. The funding will be provided on a rolling 28 day period for as long as the current lockdown restrictions apply.
Under this scheme, support is available for businesses that are legally required to close and are business rate payers. Businesses that have been required to close by Government include:
- Non-essential retail
- Leisure
- Personal Care
- Sports Facilities
- Hospitality
A full list of businesses required to close can be viewed on the Government website.
If you own or manage a:
- Pub, cafe or restaurant and have changed your business model during the lockdown period to operate as a takeaway.
- Shop required to close but offer click and collect or online with delivery services. Additionally
- Hotel or accommodation business that continues to provide services only for those who are travelling for work purposes or other exempt purposes.
You are also able to submit application into this scheme.
Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) – Discretionary Grant Scheme
From Monday 23rd November at 12.00pm, eligible businesses will be able to apply for a business support grant under our discretionary scheme. This scheme is designed for:
- Businesses who have lost 25% or more of their normal operating income during the current lockdown period
- Businesses that are required to close but do not have a business rates valuation
- Businesses that mainly supply or trade with businesses required to close, or have experienced significantly reduced customer levels
South Somerset District Council have limited funding available for this scheme and encourage businesses to apply as quickly as possible. Should demand outweigh the amount of funding available, we will be required to operate on a first come first served basis and reserve the right to review the scheme should we feel absolutely necessary.
How do I apply?
Applications for both schemes can be submitted online and can be accessed by visiting www.southsomerset.gov.uk/covidbusinesssupport. You will need to be registered for a basic ‘My Account’ in order to apply and can do that online at www.southsomerset.gov.uk/register.
What will you need?
Businesses will need to provide:
- Latest Business Bank Statement
- An image of your latest business rates bill (Local Restriction Support Grant)
- Evidence of fixed costs, for example lease / rental agreements or a bank statement highlighting outgoings relevant to this application (ARG only)
- Business information including:
- Number of employees
- Type of business
- Contact information
- Information specific to the business (e.g Business Rates reference number)
I applied for a Business Support Grant during the first lockdown. Can I apply again this time?
Yes you can. This is a Business Support Grant that covers the 28 day national lockdown period between Thursday 5th November and Wednesday 2nd December 2020.
How long does it take to process an application and how do I find out if and when I will receive the grant support?
We are expecting a high volume of applications and have reassigned staff to help deal with the expected extra workload. We will work through them as quickly as possible. In addition, the Government may still make changes to the grant scheme and we may have to get back to you for more information.
Once we have all of the information we need to process your application, you will receive a decision and/or a notification of when to expect the grant support payment. During this time, we ask that you are patient and give our team 14 clear days before you follow up your application.
What other support is available for my business?
Further support for businesses can be found on our website: www.southsomerset.gov.uk/covidbusinesssupport.
Council Leader Val Keitch said: “This is clearly a challenging time for all businesses and at South Somerset District Council we are committed to doing all we can to support businesses through the current crisis.
“We’ve acted quickly to try and inform businesses how they can access Government Business Support Grants and I am grateful to the staff at South Somerset District Council for moving swiftly to get processes in place and inform businesses across the district of the help and support they can receive.”
As a District Council, we have implemented many actions from Thursday 5th November for public safety in line with new Covid-19 restrictions.
In addition, South Somerset District Council will continue to work will local community organisations to ensure those who are vulnerable or facing hardship are supported, and facilitate a number of grants to local foodbanks.
The council will also continue to ensure anyone who is homeless or facing homelessness has a safe place to stay.
The Council is also issuing payments to those that are entitled who are required to self-isolate.
For the latest information about Coronavirus in the UK, including how to keep yourself and your community safe, visit the Government website.
If you are facing financial hardship and need support, please contact South Somerset District Council on 01935 462462 or use our online form - https://www.southsomerset.gov.uk/life-events/coronavirus-support/who-can-i-speak-to/.
The Somerset Coronavirus Support Helpline number, 0300 790 6275, is also live to help you access help you may need, including emotional support, in the current crisis.
Somerset Waste Partnership Website
https://www.somersetwaste.gov.uk/latest-news/ Follow the link for SWP latest news including waste collection times and new initiatives
Friendly Calls provide a lifeline to isolated Older People
Age UK Somerset has adapted its services to meet the needs of local older people in these uncertain times. Aiming to reach those who are feeling particularly cut-off during self-isolation, the charity has set up a new service to alleviate the sense of loneliness experienced by many especially those shielding alone.
The Friendly Phone Calls service involves each client receiving a regular friendly phone call from a member of Age UK Somerset staff, to check in on them and help them to feel more connected. The regular calls lessen anxiety and offer clients an opportunity to talk about their concerns, allowing staff to signpost them to any other services which may be of further help to them.
This is a vital service for older people during the lockdown, many of whom do not speak to anyone else for days or even weeks.
As more older people register for the service or are referred to the service through partner organisations such as Mind with whom Age UK Somerset works as part of the Somerset Mental Health Alliance, so to meet demand the local charity has now increased the size of the friendly team so anyone over 60 in Somerset or North Somerset can hear a friendly voice on the end of the phone to cheer up their day if they request the free service. To register for these Friendly phone calls you call 01823 345610, email info@ageuksomerset.org.uk or visit the charity s dedicated new website www.ageuksomersetcoronavirus.org.uk