01458 224593
Keinton Mandeville Parish Council Meeting
Keinton Mandeville Village Hall
Planning Meeting
Meeting to consider: 20/03613/FUL Amended plans and/or additional information
erection of 30 No. dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated access, parking and
landscaping together with the erection of a purpose-built Preschool Building
(Use Class E).
OS 8325 And OS 8333 Off Church Street And Land Adjoining Primary School At
Chistles Lane Keinton Mandeville
to the proposed scheme at Keinton Mandeville have been made by the applicant
which seek to address the comments made by statutory consultees, parish council
& the public.
of the documents and drawings:
Supplementary Planning Statement.
Soft Landscaping Plan / specification to address tree officer comments.
Heritage statement and associated drawings outlining proposal to lower the
made-up ground levels to the northern field to reduce impact on neighbouring
plots and ease impact on existing historic boundary walls.
Updated drainage strategy and drawings addressing LLFA comments.
Updated site layout to address Highways comments.
Finalised, workable Phosphate Strategy with associated ecological appraisal.
Finalised Ecology reports / biodiversity net gain appraisal.
Revised accommodation mix and schedule that aligns with the housing officers
requests for 1,2 & 3 beds. Stillat 30 units overall. Reduction of 4 plots
to 2 at south-western and south-eastern corners of the site, with single storey
dwellings proposed in these locations to reduce impact on neighbouring plots.
Further information on the sustainability credentials of the development
included within the Design & Access Statement.
- Further clarification on
mature planting & acoustic screening to entrance area off Church Street to
lessen impact on amenity of immediate neighbours.