Planning Application 20/03613/FUL.The Parish Council has received a letter from Galion Homes regarding their proposed development of the land behind Church St/Queen St.In the letter they state:

“One aspect of our proposal that we understood to have been universally accepted however, is now being challenged. Members of the Parish Council, responses at consultation stage and the education authority, all fully supported the proposed pre-school in lieu of the standard affordable housing contribution. The Housing Officer is insisting on the full affordable quota which will mean the pre-school cannot be delivered. The development cannot viably support both.

Whilst we do not ask you necessarily to fully endorse our application, we would appreciate it if you could re-state your assertion to the case officer that ‘in the event that consent is granted for this development, the local community’s preference is strongly in favour of a new pre-school rather than the full quota of affordable homes’.”

The matter will be discussed at the PC meeting on the 3rd August.

Notice Date: 12/07/2021